place everything in good order câu
everything in its place
It's time to put everything in its place.Bây giờ là lúc bạn để mọi thứ đúng chỗ của nó. We learn to put everything in its place.Tôi ph...

place an order
For Customer Service, or to place an order:Đối với khách hàng mua sĩ hoặc đặt hàng theo yêu cầu: Don't miss your chance to place an or...

place an order with
How to Place an Order with Us?Làm thế nào để đặt một đơn đặt hàng với chúng tôi? How to place an order with us.Làm thế nào để đặt một ...

apparent good order and condition
Receipt for goods issued by a shipping line that indicates that the goods were received in "apparent good order and condition", without...

good order and condition
Receipt for goods issued by a shipping line that indicates that the goods were received in "apparent good order and condition", without...

good-this-month order
Good-this-Month order (GTM) An order to buy or sell securities that continues to be a valid order until the end of the current month.GO...

good-till-cancelled order
Good-Till-Cancelled Order: A type of limit order that remains in effect until it is either executed (filled) or cancelled, as opposed t...

Everything Grodd did, it was just to distract us.Mọi việc Grodd làm chỉ nhằm đánh lạc hướng chúng ta. You must do everything necessary...

in place of
The ribcage is cross-braced, with two resident chambers below the ribs in place of lungs.với hai buồng trú dưới xương sườn ở vị trí của...

It does a good job of holding the watch in-place.Chọn vị trí thích hợp để treo đồng hồ trong nhà Looks like the cool winter is still i...

Norman's just not the sort to go back to the same place.Norman không phải là loại người thích quay lại chỗ cũ. And my place is toast, ...

place to place
Just a way to get from place to place, really.Chỉ là cái để đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác, thật đấy. Walk from place to place, meet peopl...

after everything
But I... I wanted to... after Elena... after everything Fisk had done, INhưng tôi có muốn... sau khi Elena... sau những gì Fisk đã làm ...

everything (software)
Everything (software)Everything (phần mềm)

everything is finished
` “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished."Tôi nghĩ cậu sẽ có thời gian khi mọi thứ đã kết thúc." When everyth...

everything was in confusion
Originally everything was in confusion, and "the various elements had different places before they were arranged so as to form the univ...

regardless of everything
Regardless of everything, I am trying to live and work normally.Dù tật nguyền, anh luôn gắng sống và làm việc bình thường Memories alw...

theory of everything
in the 2014 film The Theory Of Everything.Năm 2014: Bộ phim The Theory of Everything được công chiếu. in the 2014 film The Theory Of Ev...

there is a time for everything
We have learned that there is a time for everything.Tôi đã học được rằng có thời gian cho mọi chuyện. But I am learning that there is ...

think of everything
Do I have to think of everything around here?Sao ta phải luôn suy nghĩ về mọi thứ ở quanh đây vậy? Think of everything we've accomplis...

try everything
Bài hát nổi bật "Try Everything" trình diễn bởi Shakira HD tải nhạc chờ "Try everything from zootopia" (Mobifone) I wanna try everything...

as good as
Caesar is dead, and it was you as good as held the knife.Caesar đã chết, và ngươi cũng như kẻ đã ám sát ông ta. As good as new by the ...

for good
We can end this threat for good.Chúng ta sẽ có thể ngăn chặn hiểm họa này vĩnh viễn. So now, Edwards is planning to put him away... fo...

People are always telling you that change is a good thing.Mọi người luôn nói với bạn thay đổi là 1 việc tốt. She was usually late for ...

good will
And the King may have it... with our good will.Và nhà vua có thể có nó... và sự hài lòng của chúng tôi. No good will come to you, if y...